Official Development Assistance (ODA) for Health and Total Contributions -
Exploring the Results of a Detailed and Comprehensive Analysis

ODA Grants for Health Received by Recipient Countries by Donor

Checking ODA for health actually received per year from different donors while leaving out projects unspecified by country:

  • Observing ODA grants for health disbursed by the direct donors to developing countries
  • Exploring which direct donors and organizations are the most relevant for health financing in specific developing countries
  • Helping to identify the most important programmes and projects for health promotion in single countries

Note that data show net disbursements of ODA grants for health excluding loans and equity investments; this map exclusively presents the funds for projects that are destined to specific countries; to see the resulting amounts when imputing the funds for regional projects or going to developing countries in general according to the respective population size go to the map on ODA Grants for Health by Financing Mechanism and Recipient Country

See Total Volumes here.
