Official Development Assistance (ODA) for Health and Total Contributions -
Exploring the Results of a Detailed and Comprehensive Analysis

Financing Mechanisms of ODA for Health in the period 2007-13

The chart shows the ODA disbursements in support of health by financing mechanism or channel. For bilateral grants and loans the net transfers are presented here, after deducting recoveries of grants and repayments of principal and interest of loans respectively. The multilateral flows result from the multiplication of the total contribution to the respective organization by the percentage of net disbursements for health activities out of the total net disbursements made by this organization in a certain calendar year. Note that only core contributions are recorded as multilateral flows.

The amount of disbursements for health is calculated on the basis of a review and classification of all health-relevant projects or components thereof. This analysis comprises all projects reported under the DAC health or population sectors as well as those activities recorded in other sectors, for which any reference to health can be found through a comprehensive keyword search in the title and description provided by donor agencies. In the case of insufficient or contradictory information documented in the DAC/OECD database the research looks for additional specifications of the objectives and interventions that the project shall pursue. This process applies for both the activities within bilateral cooperation and programmes funded by multilateral organizations, which report to the project level database (creditor reporting system or CRS).

Thus, the research aims to take into account all relevant ODA flows for health promotion and, at the same time, avoid any double counting. The resulting list of projects classified by sub-sectors not only permits to determine the overall ODA for health in a reliable and verifiable manner, but also to quantify the flows on a more detailed level, e.g. for tackling certain health problems or in support of individual countries.

View Main Results:

European Major Economies 2013
European DAC Member Countries 2013
All DAC Member Countries 2013
Germany 2007-13 | Single Organisations
United Kingdom 2007-13
Netherlands 2007-13
Italy 2007-13
France 2007-13
Spain 2007-13
EU Institutions 2007-13
European DAC Members 2012

How to use:
By clicking on the items in the legend you can remove or select them in the interactive chart. To view specific values just move the cursor to the respective field on the chart. To see contributions via particular organizations grouped together in the main chart go to the respective graph on single organizations.

Choose the first graph in order to compare the volumes provided by different European countries in the most recent calendar year of the completed research (expressed in millions of current US$). Select the country specific graphs in order to follow the trend over the years for certain donors (in millions of the respective national currencies).