Official Development Assistance (ODA) for Health and Total Contributions -
Exploring the Results of a Detailed and Comprehensive Analysis

Fulfilment of International Recommendations

Use this interactive map to get an intuitive view of the performance of European donor countries in the area of health promotion. In addition to the ratio of grant transfers in support of health in relation to GNI that represents the principal measure of genuine donor effort the respective data on total transfers including the net disbursements of loans and equity investments are also shown here.

As Germany fails to specify repayments of ODA loans received from developing countries by project or sector a comprehensive research was conducted in order to estimate the amortization and interest payments corresponding to lending for health programmes. This analysis comprised all loan commitments made since 1973 converted in national currency (Euro) in order to calculate the health share of lending to every relevant recipient country. The calculation of repayments took into account the scheduled grace periods, maturity dates and interest rates. The resulting country and year specific health shares were multiplied by the amounts actually repaid by the respective countries in the different years in order to calculate the approximate value of the repayments of principal and interest of loans extended for health projects. The analysis suggests that the balance of lending in the area of health remained positive in the study period, and this was the case as well for the part funded with government resources – contrary to overall lending.

The “traffic light” rating scheme makes it easy to recognize which countries are performing well and which are lagging behind in terms of supporting development cooperation in the field of health.


How to use:
To create your own chart, you can select the countries of interest by clicking on them in the map or the list on the right upper corner. It is possible to choose different chart types according to the specific purpose. Furthermore, you can select a certain year in the time line or see the evolution over time by clicking on the arrow icon.