Official Development Assistance (ODA) for Health and Total Contributions -
Exploring the Results of a Detailed and Comprehensive Analysis

Financing Mechanisms of ODA for the HIV Response

These charts show the total ODA disbursements for the HIV response including the HIV shares of core contributions to all relevant multilateral organizations and differentiating by main financing channels. The method to calculate the amounts resulting from multilateral aid follows the principles explained in the chapter on ODA for health in general.

Notwithstanding the above mentioned decreasing tendency of bilateral aid volumes the majority of the European DAC members still allocate the highest percentage of their funding for the HIV response to this mechanism that accounted in 2013 for 36 % of total contributions. The notable exceptions are France and Germany that channelled the highest proportions of aid for confronting HIV through the Global Fund with 60 % and 49 % of the totals, respectively. All European DAC members taken together provided roughly 29 % through this financing instrument. The UN system was used for more than 15 % of aggregate European HIV funding.

The multilateral ODA for HIV programmes as a whole provided by all European DAC members decreased from approximately 2.0 billion US$ or 1.4 billion euros in 2007 and 2008 to 1.5 billion US$ equalling 1.1 billion euros in 2013. The combined bilateral aid from Europe to confront the global HIV epidemic suffered a similar reduction from 1,135 million US$ or 830 million euros to 835 million US$ or less than 630 million euros over the same period. Consequently, we observe the deplorable trend that the total ODA disbursements for the HIV response fell from 3.1 billion US$ equalling more than 2.2 billion euros to 2.3 billion US$ or just above 1.7 billion euros. In a time when the United Nations committed in the Political Declaration adopted in June 2011 to accelerate the mobilization of resources aiming to achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support as a critical step towards ending the global epidemic, Europe did quite the contrary and in fact stepped back from the required cooperation to reach this critical goal of human development and social justice.

It is noteworthy that Germany, the country with the largest economy representing over a fifth of combined GNI, provided less than 13 % of the European HIV funding in 2013. In contrast, the contribution of the United Kingdom accounted for more than a quarter of Europe’s support for the HIV response compared to a GNI share of less than 15 % and Sweden contributed more than 10 % with a proportion of 4 % of total economic capacity.

View Main Results:

European DAC Member Countries 2013
Germany 2007-13
United Kingdom 2007-13
France 2007-13

How to use:
By clicking on the items in the legend you can remove or select them in the interactive chart. To view specific values just move the cursor to the respective field on the chart. To see contributions via particular organizations grouped together in the main chart go to the respective graph on single organizations.

Choose the first graph in order to compare the volumes provided by different European countries in the most recent calendar year of the completed research (expressed in millions of current US$). Select the country specific graphs in order to follow the trend over the years for certain donors (in millions of the respective national currencies).