Official Development Assistance (ODA) for Health and Total Contributions -
Exploring the Results of a Detailed and Comprehensive Analysis

A Comprehensive Estimate: Specific HIV Projects and Wider Health Programmes

An important goal of our research is to develop a comprehensive and realistic estimate of ODA contributions in support of efforts to prevent new HIV infections, to ensure access to treatment for people living with HIV and to support affected communities, at both national and global level. Therefore, the review classifies aid activities for health by HIV-relevant sub-sectors. In addition to specific HIV interventions these include broader approaches that comprise measures to respond to the epidemic, namely projects of reproductive health and sector-wide programmes. For the calculation of HIV funding as part of reproductive health activities the estimate applies a general ratio of 25%, which was calculated on the basis of a specific database produced by OECD with information from implementing agencies. For sector-wide approaches the study uses country-specific percentages, which were derived from crossing data produced by national health accounts, HIV sub-accounts and the creditor reporting system. This calculation method is used for bilateral cooperation as well as for ODA managed by relevant multilateral organizations.

Looking at the composition of bilateral ODA we are observing that the imputed financing streams by wider approaches that include HIV components are frequently larger than specific funding of HIV projects and programmes. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that in general the financing share of these broader programme categories is increasing. In 2013, this accounted for half of all bilateral ODA in support of the HIV response provided by the 17 European DAC members combined up from less than a quarter in 2007. This means that funding for HIV is increasingly integrated in more general cooperation for health, which brings about a higher risk that certain key areas of confronting the epidemic will suffer from insufficient financial support due to ongoing discriminatory attitudes.

The most appalling tendency, however, represents the dramatic shrinking of ODA contributions for the HIV response provided through bilateral aid and many important multilateral institutions. Between 2007 and 2013 the overall funding from European DAC members via direct cooperation was reduced by nearly 300 million US$. In 2013 grant disbursements made available by IDA stood at only 36 million US$; this is little more than a fifth of the level seen at the beginning of the study period. Thus, funding for HIV is more and more depending on the Global Fund and bilateral contributions from the US. The Fund’s HIV disbursements increased from 1.0 billion US$ in 2007 to 2.1 billion US$ in 2013, but according to preliminary data the annual volume fell to less than 1.6 billion US$ in 2014.

View Main Results - Bilateral:

European DAC Member Countries 2013
Germany 2007-13
United Kingdom 2007-13
European DAC Members combined 2007-13

View Main Results - Multilateral:

Multilateral Organisations
Global Fund 2007-14
EU Institutions 2007-13
IDA - World Bank 2007-13

How to use:
By clicking on the items in the legend you can remove or select them in the interactive chart. To view specific values just move the cursor to the respective field on the chart. To see contributions via particular organizations grouped together in the main chart go to the respective graph on single organizations.

Choose the first graph in order to compare the volumes provided by different European countries in the most recent calendar year of the completed research (expressed in millions of current US$). Select the country specific graphs in order to follow the trend over the years for certain donors (in millions of the respective national currencies).